Saga of Rivers and Shadows: Rebirth

2 min readAug 22, 2021

Soundcloud link:

I ended up going with a less restrictive form for part 4, allowing a much greater range of freedom. This made the writing harder in other ways as the lack of restriction gave too much breadth of space to explore.

Specifically I went with the form called The Bop, as documented here

The refrain felt useful to keep coming back around to her need to not allow fear to crush her, as our heroine escapes the land claimed by shadows, and find her way beyond their influence once more. Echoes allow the mind to circle a topic and, thereby, dive deeper into it, exploring from different angles and seeing more possibilities, more opportunities. It all fits together and promises a new path and a new chance.


She stood a moment and felt around her all
the darkness that reigned over even the grass.
And so she sensed the shadows moving about
with their rage and their hunger plain as the night
while she remained all alone at the base of the tree
with a rage of her own and a need to taste freedom.

Against all the odds she knew that she could not wilt.

First steps are always the worst, before momentum builds.
But she moved onward and outward towards the edge
of shadows that burned at her newly awakened mind.
First time a shadow came she fled and managed to find
freedom from those fangs, leaving the claws unsated.
Next proved ill fated, and so, backed against another tree,
reminded of from where she came she let go of the last
of her control and lashed out at the shadow with fury.

Against all the odds she knew that she could not wilt.

Covered in wounds and the blood of her foe she stood
with breath ragged from all her exertion.
Knowing now she need not fear so much she began to walk
and let them all know that one like their own walked among them.
With the scent of the blood lingering on her hands they knew
not to challenge the sacrifice reborn, letting her free to find her way.

Against all the odds she knew that she could not wilt.

